Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Divine AUSTRIA Queen of Hungary and Bohemia

Maria of Austria Hans Krell

Austria Mary was a woman of high moral character and a very remarkable political and administrative ability, and are widely recognized within the Habsburg family, as the higher intelligence in family. Thanks to her, who was the mediator between his brothers Charles V and Ferdinand, was averted the ruin of the dynasty to keep alive the bond between them. Born in

Coudenberg Palace, Brussels, September 17, 1505. It was the third daughter of the Archduke Philip the Handsome and Joanna of Castile. Was engaged to be married within six months of age with Prince Louis of Hungary and Bohemia when it was not yet born. Her future husband was crowned king with only ten years old. His grandfather, Maximilian sent to Innsbruck, Austria, when he was twelve, to prepare as future Queen of Hungary and Bohemia.

Luis II Jagiello, King of Hungary by Hans Krell

Mary traveled to Hungary three years after the death of Emperor Maximilian. He was anointed and crowned Queen of Hungary Erdödy Simon, bishop of Zagreb, in December 1521. The coronation of the queen was followed by brilliant festivities. Mary and her fiancé fell in love immediately, when they met, as his parents Joan and Philip. She was a girl of seventeen who had a passion for hunting and music. The wedding was held in Buda on January 13, 1522. The anointing and coronation of Mary as Queen Bohemia took place in June. The new sovereign was much loved by his subjects and nobility, a rare thing in those days in the case of a foreign woman.

Mary of Hungary attracted the interest of Martin Luther, who dedicated four psalms in 1526. Despite strong disapproval of his brother Fernando, Luther's teachings had a great appeal to the Queen during her marriage, and even more for his sister Elizabeth and her brother Christian II of Denmark. Mary turned away from his teachings mostly due to pressure from Fernando. It is also considered responsible for the return of Mary Roman Catholic orthodoxy to its priest in court Johann Henckel.

Luis and Maria tried, unsuccessfully, to mobilize the Hungarian nobility against an impending Ottoman invasion. In August 1526, Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent and his army broke through the defenses of southern Hungary. Luis and his entire government came out with a small army of 20,000 men. Ottoman and Hungarian armies clashed in the fields of Mohacs. The battle was over in less than two hours with virtually annihilated the Hungarian army. Louis tried to flee the scene of the battle, but fell off his horse and died drowned in a swamp by the weight of his armor. Mary was widowed and childless twenty-one years of age.

The day after her husband's death, Mary told her brother Fernando defeat and asked him to come to Hungary. Fernando, engaged in Bohemia, where he had been elected king, left his sister as regent of Hungary. In February 1527, she asked permission to resign as regent. The permit was denied and Mary had to stay in office until the summer when his brother finally arrived in Hungary and took the crown. Fernando was married to Ana Jagiello, sister of the dead king. A Hungarian nobleman, Count Juan Szapolyai, had become crown as John I of Hungary, promising loyalty to the Sultan. A massive Ottoman army occupied part of the Hungarian kingdom.

Margarita's aunt suggested that I should marry King James V of Scotland . Mary rejected the idea because he had loved her husband and did not want another marriage. In 1530, Carlos again suggested they should get married again and proposed Bavarian had unsuccessfully courted the eldest sister, Eleanor of Austria. Mary also rejected. After the death of Margaret of Austria in 1530, the governor of the Netherlands is vacant. The emperor decided to give that position to his sister Mary, who assumes guardianship of her nieces Dorothy and Christina of Denmark, daughter of his late sister Elizabeth. Two years after falling into a serious depression. Unable to cope with the death of her husband, who was deeply in love, is subjected to massive pressure.

be organized in 1532 shipments of men and money orders from the Emperor to meet Suleiman's offensive on Vienna, which brings with it the revolt of Brussels. And a few months, triggering a collective tragedy of marking time, a tremendous time befalls the Netherlands Netherlands. Most of Friesland, Holland and Zealand is under water. The fury of the sea swept away the levees and drag people, animals and belongings. The devastation is widespread. And Mary bows to so many adverse circumstances. Suddenly misses her beloved husband and everything is coming.

Carlos V of Germany and I of Spain by Pantoja de la Cruz

Following those events, Maria of Austria would fall into a state of prostration very similar to that suffered by his mother, so that one of the henchmen of the Emperor, Antoine de Croy, alarm to warn him Carlos V. The queen did nothing to heal, would not listen to doctors, not taking their medicines and their state of prostration was becoming larger. So that something must be done, and soon. And Carlos took it into account. Your letters of encouragement started arriving in Brussels. Downloaded to pressure his sister who was suffering and he sent one of his close friends, Charles de Poupet, Monsieur Chaulx to make clear to Mary that he wished fervently healing.

And it worked. Mary was recovered, leaving his prostration, becoming the most effective and loyal contributor to the Emperor in northern Europe. During the lasted twenty-four years his government in the Netherlands, these states have experienced a prosperity and peace that had not had in centuries. In 1548, the absence of his brother Carlos and his son Philip, also responsible for the regency of the Crown of Spain for two years.

Mary Tudor

In 1550 there were rumors that the English princess Mary Tudor , raw Queen of Hungary, would be arrested and imprisoned in the Tower of London over its refusal to comply with the laws of the kingdom. It was feared that were accused of high treason and sentenced to death. From Flanders, under directions of the regent Mary of Austria and with the permission of Carlos V, hatched a plan to get from England to the princess and threatened her to safety in the territory of the Habsburgs. A change in imperial ambassadors and the subsequent arrival of a Flemish fleet to take and bring the two officials, it served to seek escape from the Tudor Princess. The indecisiveness of this, if however, the precise moment that he should leave his residence incognito to board the waiting fleet, foiled the plot. Close monitoring to put all their activities made it impossible to wait longer, if you wanted to avoid raising the suspicions of the government.

In the spring of 1551, Maria de Austria, notable art collector, he would send his English cousin, and turned into the Queen Mary I of England, a superb portrait of his nephew, Prince Philip, then a young gallant, handsome painted by Titian. It sent him on condition that he return later: (...) It is dead matter, when she is the living model in his presence, and not need it. It seems the Queen of England was shocked to behold, and that after receiving the portrait, Mary Tudor confessed that he was "half in love with him," and that it was harder to overcome the resistance of the Council and the people.

The abdication of Charles V and Louis Gallait

After the abdication of his brother and his retirement in 1555 Yuste, Maria of Austria decided to leave office governor of the Netherlands, but his nephew Philip II is to stop them. Finally, under pressure from his father, the new king decided to leave it free of its obligations, and she may leave for Spain next to his brothers Carlos and Leonor. The successive deaths of Leonor in February 1558 and of Charles V in September of that year, resulted in Mary a deep melancholy and thus their health declined. To encourage her, and because the urgently-needed convinces Philip to return to the Netherlands and take over the government again. Too weak to even make the trip, Mary however accept the request of his nephew, but his heart, weakened by years of toil and work, he plays a trick. He died in the city of Cigales, October 18, 1558, just weeks after his brother Carlos V.

relationship Mary of Austria with music never not subsided from his earliest lessons to learn to play keyboard instruments with Bredemers, through the love of music she shared with her Hungarian husband (who played the lute), to its role in recruiting for the chapels flamenco musicians of his brothers Charles and Ferdinand in Spain and Austria, the music was a constant in his life. After his death, his music books passed to his niece Juana of Austria, and after she died in 1571, his nephew Philip II.

Sources: Yolanda
Scheuber, Mary of Habsburg, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia. 2011 Editions Nowtilus Http://

María Jesús Pérez Martín, Mary Tudor, Queen The great unknown. Ediciones Rialp SA 2008
Manuel Fernandez Alvarez, Juana la loca , the captive of Tordesillas. Espasa Calpe SA 2000
María José Rubio, Queen of Spain, The Habsburg. The Sphere Books Ltd. 2010, _Queen_of_Hungary


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