Friday, March 4, 2011

Cartoons Dont Mention The Christ In Christmas

Isabel de Castilla and Fernando de Aragón (I)

Between January and March 1469 were signed Cervera in the marriage. In them, Isabel demanded recognition of their status as heir and future sovereign of Castile, while Fernando demanded recognition as the legitimate king Henry IV. The secret agreements were signed by Carrillo, by Castilla, and Peralta, by Aragon, on 3 February. Ferdinand signed the surrender a month later. His father said that gave his son the kingdom of Sicily with all his money and his daughter the manors of Borja, Magallón, Crevillente, Siracusa, Catania and 100,000 gold florins which were the Sicilian Reginald camera.

Aragon's Foreign Ministry was responsible for the waiver request to the Pope by the degree of relatedness of princes, since both were children of first cousins. At that time was in the process requested by papal dispensation to marry Isabel Castilla to Alfonso V of Portugal. Paul II should be in a sea of \u200b\u200bconfusion. Could not antagonize the kings of Castile and Portugal. He simply do nothing and let time pass.

Fernando sent gifts to the bride that sealed the commitment: a necklace of rubies, valued at 40,000 ducats, which served as a pledge to reign many mortgages, and 20,000 guilders gold coin of Aragon, of which only reached 8000. The necklace was seven rubies thick twine hanging from a solid gold thread and pearls alternating with eight oval grayish tone. In the center, surrounded by gold, pearl hung extraordinarily beautiful pear-shaped. Later, Fernando advised Valencian merchants send rich make a crown of emeralds, for the blond hair of the future queen.

The wedding was to take place Castilla, not only for reasons of political strategy, but caution, as it was dangerous to leave the kingdom Isabel, but what if you had to leave was Ocaña, where he was half captive. The right time came when King Henry had to move to Spain. Aware that negotiating with Aragon, made her sign a document that pledged not vary at all matrimonial matters before his return. At the time Isabel also announced he wanted to go to Avila to prepare solemn funeral for the soul of his brother Alfonso coinciding with the first anniversary of his death. The purpose was convincing and left Ocaña accompanied by their ladies who controlled it. But these one to one were disappearing before the rumors of insecurity on the roads and the presence of armed men.

meets Isabel Avila promised and presides over the funeral events in honor of his brother. But do not go back. The princess went to Madrigal. There came the French ambassadors to the marriage proposal of the Duke of Guyenne. The Master of Santiago convinced the king that orders should be studied so that the princess was detained in this place. Isabel Carrillo asked for help that led to Valladolid, defended by Admiral. Safe and secure, wrote a long letter to his brother King explaining how he came to the decision he hoped he would accept. Of the three proposals of marriage that had been done, of Ferdinand of Aragon was the best for the kingdom and himself. Henry IV was silent.

And now the boyfriend had to come from Zaragoza to Valladolid. A young prince to his seventeen years as character is a journey not without its dangers, since they know how contrary it was the Castilian monarch. Risky trip because the main border crossings were taken by the nobility addicted to Enrique IV, and on notice as to what the princes were forged. So it was necessary to go that the ploy was a public rejection of the embassy had sent Elizabeth to Zaragoza, proclaiming that the prince was called by his father to assist him in the war that was in Catalonia. The English embassy returned chagrin by Calatayud route to enter Medinaceli Castile, with signs clearly marked the failure of its diplomatic.

Meanwhile, he prepared a secret that perilous journey to enter a border crossing Castilla lost in the mountains of the Sierra de Montalvo. Going into that autumn when the days are dwindling and the nights are getting cooler, you risk Fernando penetrate thus in the highlands of Soria by Berdejo, clearing the port Bigornia, of 1100 meters. Va muleteer disguised by a group of merchants, so that no one noticing him.

Walking day and night, days five and six miles a day, comes to bad roads Gomara and finally reached the stronghold of Burgo de Osma, where he has an appointment with the Count de Trevino, who came with three hundred spears to assist and protect, not before having to spend a night in a village, almost in a field, which still maintains the fiction that is produced over that group of merchants, which serves dinner. And so, numb and battered, crown its purpose, can sleep Osma quieter and reach in Dueñas, instead of the Count of Buendia, that being the brother of Archbishop Carrillo offered a safe haven and warm. Warned

Isabel, communicated in writing to his brother the arrival of her future husband warned him that his coming was not to move any scandal, but to serve, so that peace can not be altered. Henry IV, excited by how he had the situation, the Marquis de Villena, who had returned to his favor, he reacted strongly against declaring that the agreement was null-Guisando disinheriting Isabel and returning to proclaim his daughter Joan as legitimate and sole heir to the Castilian throne.

Sources: Teresa
Martialay, Elizabeth I. Homo Legens 2009
Isabel La Católica. Urbión Ediciones SA 1983
Manuel Fernandez Alvarez, Isabel La Católica . Espasa Calpe SA, 2006
Luis Suarez, Isabel I, Reina. Editorial Ariel, SA 2000 and 2005
Tarcisio de Azcona, Isabel la Católica : The Life and Reign . The sphere of Books Ltd., 2002


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