Friday, March 4, 2011

Talipes Club Foot And Chromosome

THE CALDERONA Nell Gwynn, the favorite of Philip IV

Portrait attributed to Maria Calderon. Museum of the Royal Barefoot Nuns (Madrid)

María Inés Calderón, popularly known as "The Calderona" was a famous actress and most famous mistress of King Philip IV of Spain . political and military Mother of Don Juan José of Austria, which was officially recognized as the son of the monarch. Mary was born in Madrid in 1611. She was the daughter of Juan Calderon, a character who was responsible for preparing everything necessary for the reception of different comic companies that reached the Court, and even provide them with loans to help them meet their basic needs before the collection of money for their work. The Calderona grew and formed within this world of entertainment, among the diverse people who are devoted to theatrical performances.

In 1627, he was the first meeting between the Calderona and Philip IV, in his theatrical debut as leading actress in Madrid's Corral de la Cruz, one of the most popular theaters frequented by the monarch. The king liked to go in secret to these representations, being fascinated by the young actress. Had he had been married twenty-two and seven. She only had sixteen, was was married lover Ramiro Pérez de Guzmán, Duke of Medina de las Torres. It was a great beauty but had great personal charm, a beautiful blonde hair, a captivating voice, grace and theatrical talent.

The love between Philip IV and the gossip Calderona became popular and became one of the most popular of those in Madrid in late twenties. His relationship with the king was forced to leave the stage in full success. It also led to incidents like the anger of Queen Isabel of Bourbon , when King gave Mary a distinguished stage of the Playa Mayor of Madrid, right next to the Queen, to celebrate a show. Since then, Philip put her in a box near that occupied by the royal family and the public was soon dubbed "the balcony of Marizápalos", the title of a catchy song that was popular actress from the scene.

In the spring of 1629, came to the world a child, Juan José, being born in a house in the street Leganitos, the Duke of Medina de las Altas Torres had given the public was king's mistress. In the parish record of baptism, the child was registered as "John, son of the earth" such was the appeal that was given to those born to unknown parents. The queen was furious to learn. Despite the wishes of Mary, the child was removed from his hand and given to her upbringing in a poor family of Leon, the city where he spent the first years of his life until the King decided to transfer to Ocaña. The Calderona never seen again. By then the royal couple had lost several daughters, born just dead, and Philip must have thought that this child could be an emergency exit for the future of the dynasty, so he decided to give her an education and a pension for their origin.

At one point, the Duke of Medina de las Torres, hitherto powerful nobleman, was fulminant banished from the Court, under an ambiguous formal accusation of misconduct did not specify anything else and it left open the most suggestive questions. The story was spread that a sudden and unannounced visit to the home of The Calderona, the king was surprised there at Duke. This would have passed by then grasping the dagger to face the angry Philip, but she would have brought melodramatically between them and the matter ends up being covered with this order of banishment that actually came out to deceive anyone.

After the birth of little Juan José everything seems to indicate that the relationship with Mary King had cooled. Felipe IV ordered his favorite entry in a convent. The Calderona hands after losing her beautiful hair in a barber shop, he entered the Benedictine monastery of the Nuns Valfermoso, Guadalajara, becoming abbess. He died in 1646.

Park of the Sierra Calderona

A legend says that Mary fled from the monastery, he left Madrid and reached to the vicinity of the Monastery of the Holy Spirit of Mount Gilet, Valencia. The girl was installed in the hill that separates the rocks of Guaita and Espartal, today called Calderona, where the mule ran that linked the city of Valencia and Aragon highway. Its terrain of the Sierra made a real nest of bandits, highwaymen. The Calderona found refuge from that unsavory and lived a house whose ruins are still visible, close to the "font dels Ullalets." As some people have became the head of the bandits.

Sources: C3% ADa_Calder% C3% B3n% C3% ADa_In% C3% A9s_Calder% C3% B3 ~ csahuqui / leyenda.html
José María Solé, Infieles Los Reyes. 2005 Sphere Books Ltd.


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